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Bring Your Own Big Wheel 2024 – 22 rolls in 24 years!
Designer and former BYOBW participant Chris Sherrod whipped out the 2024 sticker this year. He rocks. New Edit: Just the deets and an updated donation total. Update April: Online registration is closed for 2024. When: March 31, 2024 – Sunday Sunday Sunday!
It is Highly Probable that Bring Your Own Big Wheel 2024 will Happen!
I've been waffling about posting since we still haven't had the official street closure permit hearing yet. Honestly, eek! It's the latest ever scheduled (likely February 8th! Just heard this week that it is in fact January 25th!) even though I gave them $1200
Bring Your Own Big Wheel 2023 Event Deets!
When: April 09, 2023 - Sunday Sunday Sunday! Time: Youngins 13 and under Ride 2pm-3pm, Adult Children 3pm-5pm Where: Vermont St at 20th in beautiful Potrero Hill Registration online is officially open! Do it here! When does registration start on event day? Around 12noonish the
BYOBW 2023 – We Are Making It Happen Again!
It's sometimes hard to believe we've been at this for so many years. I joined the BYOBW rider fold in the early aughts and in 2007 it was discovered that I was somewhat adept at the administrative bullcrap this event has to manage and
BYOBW Street Closure Permit Hearing is Mid January!
The question is always "Is it happening?" The answer to your question is: PROBABLY! I never count my wheels before they've hatched but the city has generally quickly approved the event butter-smooth for a few years now. Of course we forked over the new cost
Bring Your Own Big Wheel is a Go for 2022
Registration is closed! This is an updated post from January. The event costs have been added down yonder so you can see where we are with donations. Is it really happening? Will we really have the hay in our eyes
Hang on tight fans, we are postponed again until 2022
This isn't easy to write so I'm just going to rip off the bandaid. Well, the subject line kinda already did but whatevs. Maybe us locals have gotten quite used to things being rescheduled, canceled or broadcast online. Being used to this bizarre new
BYOBW postponed until 2021
Note: This post has been updated since March when we first learned that the event had to be canceled. Unfortunately, due to the current public health concerns and restrictions on group gatherings in San Francisco until sigh, May or June or who the heck