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BYOBW Will Happen Rain or Shine or Apocalypse! (edit 2021, well this didn’t age well)
Dear Big Wheel enthusiasts! We'd like to address the sickly elephant in the room and give it some space and respect. At this time Bring Your Own Big Wheel is proceeding as planned. Everything is in place for a successful event and unless things drastically
BYOBW is 20 in 2020! How You Doin’? Important Time Change This Year!
An iconic image from BYOBW 2006 on Lombard. Shout out to JRad! Can you believe this crazy, fun and crazy fun event has been happening for 20 years? According to legend, 2000 was the year the first handful of dorks rolled down
2019 Registration is Open! Event Info in this post!
Very serious on Lombard. This is my determined face (photo circa 2006 from the Lombard years). I'm just as determined today to make BYOBW happen! And happen it shall for everyone regardless of financial Bay Area wallet crunch constraints. We will never
BYOBW 2019 is a GO!
It's a typical chilly sunny day here in SF and on my day off I'm at the kitchen table tapping away at emails to SFPD and Rec and Park. The street closure permit hearing went smooth like buttah in December so one (of two)
Post Event Gratitude and a Fundraising Photo Opportunity
I was too exhausted to take a post-event video of how squeaky clean the park and street were on Monday but trust me, the hard working volunteers and yours truly made sure that no evidence was left from our merry making and mayhem on Sunday.
Are you ready for BYOBW 2018?
An excellent photo from 2015. capturing the multitudes of hilariousness at the event. Where and when is the event this year? The same place and time it always is: Vermont Street at 20th Easter Sunday. KIDS HOUR is from 3pm-4pm! Adult Kids
Home Stretch to the Event! Matching Donation Opportunity!
One of the best costumes at BYOBW 2017. Photo Credit Bernie McGinn. It's The Final Countdown! na na na na, nana na na na... Here's a short and sweet update. It's sixteen days *GULP* until the event and I'm crossing all the
42 Days Until BYOBW: Donation and Planning Updates
A very warm shout out to those who have donated so far! Here's an update on all the boring yet essential puzzle pieces that together make this event happen. Also, VOLUNTEERS please hit me up if you can sling hay bales for a couple